Aug 27, 2020

What a Beautiful Name It Is

The following article by parishioner Tita Camilotes is the first in a series of reflections by members of the Holy Child Jesus Parish Unification Committee. In this series, committee members will share their thoughts, hopes, dreams, and visions for Holy Child Jesus Parish. We welcome your comments and feedback.

What a Beautiful Name It Is

“Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High” Luke 1:31-32.

As the song goes, “What a beautiful…powerful…wonderful name it is…Nothing compares to this—the name of Jesus.” Yes, Holy Child Jesus is a very beautiful, powerful, and wonderful name that fits our new unified parish. Nothing can compare to this.

Our Holy Child Jesus Parish takes pride in its cultural diversity. We are the most diverse parish in the Archdiocese of Chicago—a Church from every nation and age, each with unique religious and cultural practices and traditions. This uniqueness identifies us. God has brought us together so we can share each other gifts—the richness of each other’s cultures and tradition. This sharing of gifts will help strengthen the identity of Holy Child Jesus Parish in a revitalized Catholic Church, with its universality and all-embracing nature. “We are many parts, we are all one body. And the gifts we have we were given to share.”

Who is this Holy Child Jesus? The Christ Child, also known as Divine Infant, Baby Jesus, Infant Jesus, Child Jesus, the Holy Child, and Santo Niño, refers to Jesus Christ from his nativity to age twelve. The four canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus but lack any narration of the years between Jesus' infancy and the Finding in the Temple when He was twelve.

“What Child is this, who, laid to rest?” He is this Baby lying in Mary’s lap in a smelly cave in Bethlehem, who is the ultimate, the complete Word of God to humanity. Jesus is called a "Holy Child" because His character is aptly pictured as that of a child—simplicity, the absence of all cunning, humbleness, obedience, and a forgiving temper. Many saints and holy persons over the centuries have reported seeing the Child Jesus in visions. Many said they held Jesus in their arms. Even more consoling are the beautiful messages He gave them.

How was the name chosen? Simple answer. It’s God’s plan. It’s God’s will. God, the Father, wants His Son to be known, loved and accepted more by all people from every nation and age to inspire the young generation, young children who portray innocence and purity signifying simplicity and humbleness, who are always obedient to their mothers. When their faith is properly nurtured, they will grow spiritually with love and devotion to the Holy Eucharist who is Christ Himself, who dwells within us when we take His real Body and Blood during Holy Communion.

Holy Child Jesus’ image is depicted in many forms.

Santo Niño de Cebú, Philippines: He looks like the Infant Jesus of Prague and Holy Infant of Marseilles but very dark because His image was found among the ashes of a house burned to the ground. He has a serene countenance, dressed like a Spanish monarch with a golden crown, a cross-bearing orb on His left hand, His thumb and two fingers in His right hand pointing upwards imparting a priestly Catholic blessing.

Santo Niño de Atocha: Often wears a brimmed hat with a plume and a cape ornate with the St. James shell, the symbol of holy pilgrimages. In His left hand, He carries a pilgrim's staff fastened to the gourd, a pair of shackles, and spikes of wheat. His right hand holds a basket that generally contains bread or flowers.

With worldwide celebrations of His feast day especially by Filipino migrants and overseas workers as Santo Niño, the Good News of the Holy Child Jesus is spread to all nations and peoples of all ethnicities, cultures, and ages. Many devotees worldwide who prayed, honored, and petitioned before the Holy Child Jesus have received many graces, blessings, favors, and miraculous healings.

When the angel chorus sang the praises of the Baby to the shepherds on that wonderful night, the heavens opened, the Son of God was born in our hearts, God’s grace of love breaks out in our families, in our homes, and hopefully within the Holy Child Jesus Parish family of faith, thereby enriching the spiritual life of our parish and community with His Love to make disciples, build communities, and inspire witness. That is why Christmas is always associated with warmth, love, joy, and forgiveness, with healing and beauty, and with light and glory.

Let us open wide our hearts to this little boy named Holy Child Jesus who bears the name of our new unified parish, who is our God and Savior, and know Him more to experience a profound knowledge, a metanoia, for a deep and intimate relationship with Him.

“Ite Missa Est”—Go and spread the Good News!


Mass Schedules

Weekdays Mass Schedule

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. Bilingual - English/Vietnamese

Weekend Mass Schedule

4:00 PM (English)
6:00 PM (Vietnamese)

7:30 a.m. Vietnamese
9:30 a.m. English
11:30 a.m. Vietnamese
1:30 p.m. English


Saturdays from 3:00-3:30 pm. 
1st & 3rd in English
2nd & 4th in English & Vietnamese

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Reflection Series - a series of articles by members of the Holy Child Jesus Parish Unification Committee, sharing their thoughts, hopes, dreams, and visions for our parish

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